yey'maps offers a big variety of use cases. Here you can find a few examples.
This example contains the federal states and the districts of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The data was imported via a GeoJson file and both layers are labeled. The district layer is thematically classified according to federal states.
Tools included: selection, address search, layer spy and scale as well as the info tool. Data source: © GeoBasis-DE / BKG (2021 - changed)
This map shows all the counties in the United States.​
The counties are rendered as vector tiles by using the yey'maps Tiler tool between scale 20,000,000 and 1,000,000. Everything under scale 1,000,000 is processed as pure vector data.
Notice, that there is only shown one layer for the U.S. counties. yey'maps is switching from vector tiles to vector data behind the scenes.